Heather Dixon
A passion for animals, horses and dogs in particular, has pretty much paved the path Heathers life has taken. Leaving Hastings at 16, Heather set off to the Waikato enrolled in the NZ Equine Cadet Scheme. She was fortunate enough to be placed with one of New Zealand’s leading Racehorse trainers at the time, Jim Gibbs. This was the grounding for Heathers long career with horses. The ultimate dream became a reality early for her in 1989 when she was the proud groom of Spyglass who stormed home to win The DB Auckland Cup. Heather then accompanied Spyglass to race in the Sydney Cup in Australia, Heather’s first overseas trip, which stirred up the growing urge to travel.
Basing herself in England for 9 years, Heather toured Europe, Britain, Southern Ireland, Africa, Canada, The United States and Australia. Her continuing experience with horses expanded to working with Show Jumpers in the United States and Hunters and Polo Ponies in England. A highlight during this time being her 4 year commitment to Kerry Packer and his prestigious Ellerston Polo team.
Upon returning to NZ Heather spent a short time back in the Waikato working for Kilgravin Lodge, a highly regarded establishment for pre-training and breaking in racehorses. However after 16 years away from Hawkes Bay it was time to head home. She took up residence in Central Hawkes Bay and with that an entirely new career of selling Real Estate which she did successfully for 10 years.
Always happier in her jeans than in a suit, it was time to close another chapter and move on from Real Estate. It was a very easy transition to throw herself back into the life she loves – working with animals. Already skilled in clipping horses and dogs, shearing alpacas became another string in her bow. With her rough coated collie Kimba in tow, Heather shore alpacas for 6 seasons throughout the lower North Island until the growth of her horse and dog clipping required all her attention. She welcomes new business and is more than happy to give advice or answer questions on related concerns over the phone when it is needed.